Zheng Feng Watercolor Workshop Registration
—A Special Charitable Fundraising Event by the BAAA—
As we announced at our last meeting in March, Bon Air Artists Association members will have the opportunity next Fall to learn from master water-colorist, Zheng L. Feng, during a three-day workshop we’re sponsoring:
Tuesday, October 29th
Wednesday, October 30th
Thursday, October 31st.
The cost is $500 for the three-day workshop. Checks should be made out to BAAA Charitable Fundraising Workshop 2019.

To register for the workshop, if you haven't already, visit this event booking link. We will stop accepting registrations when we reach the maximum number of 22 participants. This link allows us to pay through PayPal directly.
If that isn't convenient or comfortable for you, you may fill out a registration form (print from here) to the bottom of this post. If you choose to do this route, please bring a check to our May meeting.