Dr. John Partridge gives a brief description of the anatomy and physiology of sight, discusses how the brain sorts out and tries to make sense of the visual input and displays a variety of optical illusions we all live with. Then we dive into the tools artists have found helpful in portraying what the viewers' minds accept as reality. We also will see how artists have increasingly come to employ these insights on perception to create tension and excitement in their work. Dr. Partridge is a published historian, has participated in scientific research on lipid metabolism and eye surgery, published scientific articles and served as principal investigator in 16 clinical research trials. He has also served as an expedition artist and photographer for a National Geographic Society expedition excavating royal tombs under pyramids in Sudan.
The Friday, January 10, 2025 BAAA membership meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. at the Bon Air Christian Church located at 2071 Buford Road, North Chesterfield, VA 23235.
