You're an artist, so you found the most established artist association in the Richmond area: Bon Air Artists. Well done, you!
Lately, your involvement has been limited to attending the monthly meeting and learning from the speakers. That's what the association is here for and we're all happy you're joining us for that! However, are you feeling the tug to extend your reach and involvement. Did you know that it could actually help your art?

It's time to think about small ways you could be more involved in the organization. Here's a list of five ways you could be more integrated in the club AND the positive benefits of each:
Bring a refreshment - This simple act of baking, buying, bagging, or just bringing a mid-morning snack for the other members is a solid conversation starter. Food is instrumental in our culture, so meet some new members, feed the known members, and help build community with this act of service.
Attend a First Friday event (or two) - Many of Bon Air Artists Association members host their artwork in one of several RVA First Friday galleries. Make it a priority to visit at least one of these a month to support the other members and enrich your life with the art created by others. Please remember to take pictures (if permitted) and even video (micro interviews with the artist are good fun!) and send them to the Publicity Chair.
Sign up for an art class with someone new - There are friends sitting all around you at these meetings, you just haven't met them yet. Find one and agree to sign up for a class to stretch your skills together. This will result in improved craft and deeper community among members.
Volunteer to help with Arts in the Park set up (or any other exhibit) - Richmond's premiere art show graces us each April (Facebook page). You'd better believe that many of our members are regular artists showing their work at this event and that they could use your help! Contact the Exhibit Chair for more information about how you can join the army to help make our city a more beautiful place through your corporal help.
Become the Membership Chair (not a trick, just a suggestion) - Reach out to the President if you'd like to spread the joy, welcome prospective members and help grow the organization. The benefits to this job should be obvious.