The following was President Dave's message in our April Newsletter.
Hey All!
Hope everyone is well during this "cough due to cold" season. I may not be as smart as a groundhog, but I can assure you that Spring...aka vernal on the way. BTW...if my first name was Vernal, I’d go by Spring also. Just Saying.
Anyway...I would like to use part of my message to express my gratitude to the many BAAA members who have been so patient and helpful during the first year and a half of my time as Association president. I know I get a little “off script” at times, but it’s only because I enjoy the group and like to see folks lighten up and relax. Hey, we still get a lot done and if we can have a few laughs while we’re at it... I say why not? I still hope a lot more members plan on taking the reins in club positions such as Venue Chairs and Board Members, and jumping in to take part in Programs like the Members Peer Critique at the March meeting.

As always, exciting venues await along with the much anticipated Fore Children Show at Independence Golf Club and the BAAA Members Show at Crossroads Art Center. By now, the exciting word has spread about the arrival of Mr. Zeng Feng in Richmond for presentation and workshop hosted by Bon Air Artists Association and made possible by the tireless efforts of our own Sally Guynn....thank you, Sally!
One last thing! Check out our website and Facebook page....Elizabeth has done and continues to do a great job! Take a few minutes to follow her tutorial and learn your way around and you’ll see what I mean!
So....Keep on Creating!